Leica RTC360

We utilizes Leica RTC360 laser scanner with the following characteristics to acquire the As-Built condition of the facilities:
•High-speed 3D with integrated HDR spherical imaging system and Visual Inertial System (VIS) for real time registration
• Range: Min. 0.5 – up to 130 m
•Speed: Up to 2,000,000 pts / sec
•Accuracy: Angular accuracy 18”, Range accuracy 1.0 mm + 10 ppm, 3D point accuracy 1.9 mm @ 10 m, 2.9 mm @ 20 m, 5.3 mm @ 40 m
Real time registration: Automatic point cloud alignment based on real time tracking of scanner movement between setups based on Visual Inertial System (VIS) by video enhanced inertial measurement unit